Andy Gonzalez|Portfolio

Andy Gonzalez

I have worked many different roles over the last few years, with no obvious pattern to me (at least at the time). Only now in retrospect do I recognize my path and how directly I have been working towards a career in UX. I have a bachelor’s degree in anthropology from UCSC, have worked in various hospitality and service roles, discovered a zeal for graphic design and have finally landed in UXD. I say finally- but this is not the endpoint. I am so excited to be in the next stage of my professional development and so very curious where it will lead to next.

I am a voracious reader and an unapologetic gamer. I love to garden, cook, and ferment foods. I listen to a lot of podcasts. I usually have a trip or two rattling around in my head. My spare time is spent with my partner, my friends, and our cats, of whom I am blessed, grateful and tolerant of, respectively.